Roboverse Reply and ELP competed together at the ELROB 2024 (European Land Robot Trials)

From June 24th to 28th, military robotics experts from all over the world gathered at the Wehrtechnische Dienststelle in Trier for the ELROB 2024 (European Land Robot Trials). Now in its twelfth year, this event is known for its challenging, practical tasks in realistic deployment scenarios.

This year, Roboverse Reply and ELP GmbH European Logistic Partners presented as a joint team the advances in bomb disposal technology using the agile walking robot Spot from Boston Dynamics. Spot’s ability to carry various additional payloads allows it to be used in potentially dangerous and hard-to-reach areas. For example, operators can precisely place mobile X-ray systems from a safe distance or use additional sensors to analyze hazardous situations. For five days, the system was put through its paces in various disciplines.

We would like to thank Roboverse Reply for the excellent teamwork and the Fraunhofer Institute for organizing this unique event.


Die internationale Fachmesse für innere und äußere Sicherheit ENFORCE TAC 2025 findet wieder in Nürnberg statt. Im Messezentrum kommt an diesen Tagen das qualifiziertes Fachpublikum der internationale Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsbranche zusammen – die ELP darf selbstverständlich nicht fehlen. Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 7 | Stand 5-777. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf viele Besucher und interessante Gespräche.

Termin: 24.02. – 26.02.2025
Veranstaltungsort Messzentrum Nürnberg

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