Oil and gas industry

For plant safety

For companies in the oil and gas industry, it is necessary to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations at all times. In order to get an impression of the current condition of the production or filling equipment, it is possible to use mobile X-ray systems. This digital technology provides direct and meaningful high-resolution X-ray images of pipelines, boilers or other safety-relevant components. Mobile X-ray systems from ELP GmbH enable, for example, the quality determination of welded joints as well as the detection of possible corrosion damage. Steel can be X-rayed up to a thickness of 7 cm. Any defects or irregularities can be identified before they lead to major damage.

Your contact person is there for you

Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?
ELP Sales
T +49 202 698 94-0F +49 202 698 94-10elp@elp-gmbh.de

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    Die ELP GmbH nimmt an der Fachmesse AFCEA 2024 in Bonn teil. Besuchen Sie uns vom 26.06. - 27.06.2024 auf dem führenden Anwenderforum für Fernmeldetechnik, Computer, Elektronik und Automatisierung. Informieren Sie sich über den aktuellen Stand der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik im Bereich Verteidigung und Sicherheit.

    Termin: 26. - 27. Juni 2024
    Veranstaltungsort World Conference Center Bonn
    Adresse: Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2, 53113 Bonn - Deutschland

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