Communication technology

Secure tactical networking in the field

Ensuring trouble-free and protected communication is an important framework condition for successful operations. Frequently, the respective deployment parameters are only insufficiently known in advance or not known at all, yet a high degree of flexibility in terms of time and space is expected from the deployment forces. Reliable, scalable, and tactical networking is an essential component of military communications. In a complex environment or challenging terrain, responders must be able to communicate in real time, transmit information quickly and efficiently, and thus bring about accurate decision-making processes. Live VoIP, video, data transmission, and other demanding seamless communications on a single high-throughput dynamic network – between all users, responders, sensors, unmanned systems, and cameras.


This requires state-of-the-art communication technology that can be adapted to a wide variety of conditions or that adapts autonomously. Live VoIP, video, data transmission, and other demanding seamless communications on a single high-throughput dynamic network – between all users, responders, sensors, unmanned systems, and cameras. This requires state-of-the-art communication technology that can be adapted to a wide variety of conditions or that adapts autonomously.

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    Die internationale Fachmesse für innere und äußere Sicherheit ENFORCE TAC 2025 findet wieder in Nürnberg statt. Im Messezentrum kommt an diesen Tagen das qualifiziertes Fachpublikum der internationale Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsbranche zusammen – die ELP darf selbstverständlich nicht fehlen. Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 7 | Stand 5-777. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf viele Besucher und interessante Gespräche.

    Termin: 24.02. – 26.02.2025
    Veranstaltungsort Messzentrum Nürnberg

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