What a beautiful start to the week! These delicious energy suppliers are very popular among the entire ELP team.In no time the baskets are empty again 😊

The internationally active company, headquartered in Tokyo, is one of the leading manufacturers of X-ray analysis, thermal analysis and non-destructive testing instruments and a leader in analytical and industrial measurement technology. In the future, the two companies will work closely together in the areas of people and goods screening, EOD/ and ABC applications. ELP GmbH … Weiterlesen …

New PackBot robots offer German forces a variety of uses as European security comes to the fore.

The entire team of ELP GmbH European Logistic Partners would like to thank all customers and visitors who found their way to our stand at the GPEC 2022 trade fair for internal security in Frankfurt. During the 3 days we had many interesting conversations, great new contacts and cordial reunions with long-time customers. We can … Weiterlesen …

Hesse’s Interior Minister Peter Beuth opened the 12th GPEC international trade fair for internal security in Frankfurt this morning. The team of ELP GmbH European Logistic Partners is well prepared and is looking forward to numerous trade visitors!

With this special user training, we offer EOD/USBV specialists the opportunity to test our applications once a year in a deployment-oriented manner and in training groups. For this we provide not only a sufficient area but also the necessary setups. The PackBot is not to be missed, nor is the Spot. In addition to remote … Weiterlesen …

During difficult missions, walking robot Spot from Boston Dynamics supports firefighters and police. Whether in buildings at risk of collapse, as was recently the case in a large apartment block fire ruin in Essen, or in terrain that is difficult to access. The police dog robot can inspect, explore and investigate. At the moment, this … Weiterlesen …


Die internationale Fachmesse fĂŒr innere und Ă€ußere Sicherheit ENFORCE TAC 2025 findet wieder in NĂŒrnberg statt. Im Messezentrum kommt an diesen Tagen das qualifiziertes Fachpublikum der internationale Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsbranche zusammen – die ELP darf selbstverstĂ€ndlich nicht fehlen. Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 7 | Stand 5-777. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf viele Besucher und interessante GesprĂ€che.

Termin: 24.02. – 26.02.2025
Veranstaltungsort Messzentrum NĂŒrnberg

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