Unmanned ground vehicle

Manipulation from a safe distance

EOD/IEDD scenarios, reconnaissance missions, and CBRNE operations: Remote Guidance Manipulators have proven themselves in numerous missions worldwide. These vehicles are very robust, maneuverable and can easily handle even steep sections. In addition to the off-road capability, users are particularly impressed by the diverse expansion options of the systems. Equipped with state-of-the-art cameras, flexible gripper arms or sensors for a wide range of applications, these unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) make themselves indispensable in many situations.

Unmanned ground vehicle have proven to be excellent tools; especially in cases where direct human intervention would be too risky or time consuming and their use is particularly effective.

Your contact person is there for you

Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?
Jürgen KleinertConsulting Application Engineering EOD/IEDD

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    *Please note that we only respond to business (official) e-mail addresses and cannot process enquiries from private e-mail addresses.


    Die internationale Fachmesse für innere und äußere Sicherheit ENFORCE TAC 2025 findet wieder in Nürnberg statt. Im Messezentrum kommt an diesen Tagen das qualifiziertes Fachpublikum der internationale Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsbranche zusammen – die ELP darf selbstverständlich nicht fehlen. Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 7 | Stand 5-777. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf viele Besucher und interessante Gespräche.

    Termin: 24.02. – 26.02.2025
    Veranstaltungsort Messzentrum Nürnberg

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