Med-Eng bomb suit EOD® 10E The new generation of bomb suits (with NIJ certification)

Product description

Med-Eng bomb suit EOD® 10E

Med-Eng has invested over three years in the further development of the EOD® 9. The result, the EOD® 10E, enables defusers to operate more flexibly, longer and with greater focus in challenging environments.

NIJ certification for bomb suits

The EOD® 10E was designed to NIJ Standard 0117.01 for bomb suits and even exceeds its requirements by adding more user-oriented features.

In addition to the factors of heat protection, shatter protection, and protection from detonation pressure and impact, the NIJ certification for bomb suits emphasizes the importance of other test areas. These include:

  • Ergonomics (e.g. dressing and undressing)
  • Optics (e.g. light transmission and distortion in the sighting area)
  • Flammability
  • Electrostatic discharge
  • Head protection (e.g. impact absorption, dielectric strength, etc.)
  • Spine protection

All tests are performed in NIJ-accredited, independent testing laboratories by the Safety Equipment Institute. In addition, in order to comply with manufacturing commitments, audits are regularly conducted at Med-Eng’s production facilities.

Product benefits

All components of the EOD® 10E have been optimized for fit, donning and doffing, and weight. Above all, the use of a different ballistic material, which offers an equal and in some cases even better level of protection, has made it possible to reduce the weight significantly. To protect the back, the weight was also distributed more on the hips. Wearers can thus move their arms, legs and even their head much more freely. The EOD® 10E also has a chest, neck and abdomen plate that the wearer can remove without assistance during use.

A patented emergency system allows injured defusers to be retrieved from a danger zone using a robot or a hook and line set. Furthermore, it is possible to expose the upper body of the suit wearer quickly and to the extent that vital resuscitation can be performed. Access to the poor has also been made less complicated.

The EOD® 10E has an integrated cooling system that works effectively against heat stress. Two ventilation components in the helmet and jacket move ambient air into the suit and provide better cooling through sweat evaporation. In addition, when outside temperatures are warm, defusers can connect an additional component to the EOD® 10E that acts as an air conditioner.


Mission specific lights

The helmet of the EOD® 10E has an innovative lighting system with red, blue and white LED light. This means that even light-sensitive USBVs can be inspected more reliably.

Remote control

The wrist remote control has an on-screen menu and conveys information about system status and functionality through simple icons and numbers. The remote control can also be used to control all functions, such as light or ventilation levels.

Voice control

To enable a defuser to focus as much as possible on his mission, the EOD® 10E helmet has been equipped with voice control. All electronic features of the suit can be set and changed through them.

Audible and visual warning signals

The EOD® 10E helmet transmits audible or visual warning signals in the visor area to communicate malfunctions to the defuser.

Ideal helmet fit

The helmet of the EOD® 10E has been equipped with an air cushion. Thus, users can optimally adjust the fit to their head size and shape by using a small hand pump.

Stereo speaker

Stereo speakers integrated into the helmet help the user to locate noise sources directly and interact better with their environment. In addition, the left and right speakers have separate volume and balance controls to compensate for hearing difficulties.

Communication system

The communication system is available as a wired or radio-controlled solution.


In addition to the air conditioning system, protective shoes are available as accessories for the EOD® 10E. Users can choose between a 180° or a 360° foot guard. It is also possible to add comprehensive NBC protection to the EOD® 10E. Thus, the EOD® 10E helmet can be equipped with a visor compatible with common respirators. As a further measure, a special ABC undergarment is available.


Standard configuration

  • Jacket* with universal cable and removable chest plate
  • Pants* and back protector
  • Helmet
  • Ventilation system
  • Remote control

*Jacket and pants have a fungicidal and antimicrobial lining and can be washed.


The EOD® 10E is initially available in dark olive. Versions in other colors are provided by the manufacturer.

Suit size

The new sizing of Small, Medium-Small, Medium and Large makes the sizes more adaptable to the respective users. In addition, the back protector is adaptable to different sizes.

Helmet size

The helmet of the EOD® 10E has been equipped with an air cushion. The user can optimally adjust the fit to his head size and shape by means of a small hand pump.


To determine the exact weight of all components, our experts are available by phone.

Performance features

Heat protection

The fire-retardant outer shell of the EOD® 10E protects against thermal radiation emitted by ammunition, anti-personnel mines and pyrotechnics. All components of the suit provide excellent protection against high heat exposure. This has been proven by numerous vertical flame tests.

Splinter shield

The EOD® 10E was tested with splitter simulator projectiles of different sizes (according to NIJ0117.01), the splitter size and
-form best simulated by a bomb explosion. Improvements in ballistic material as well as processing techniques provide a higher level of protection in the EOD® 10E. Optional overshoes with patented quick release closure give 360° protection.

Protection against overpressure and impact

The acceleration caused by a blast wave can propel the defuser away from its original position, resulting in a secondary impact (or negative acceleration) against the ground or other obstacles. It is also exposed to the risk of explosive overpressure. The EOD® 10E keeps the risk of injury from these hazards as low as possible. The newly developed active hearing protection in particular offers not only a higher level of protection, but also better perception of environmental sounds.

Compliance with EMI / EMC requirements

The suit and helmet have filters and shields in their electronic systems to prevent radio frequency signals from being sent or unwanted signals from outside reaching the electronics. Thus, the risk is reduced when handling a radio-controlled IED or when using electronic countermeasures (jammers).

This product is available from ELP GmbH in the following countries:

Germany, Austria, Luxembourg

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